What is Action Painting?

Action Painting workshops are effective creative team-building exercises, grounded in management theory.

From facilitating mergers to bringing disparate teams and departments together, Action Painting has helped many companies to manage change through improved communication, freed creativity and a profound sense of connection.

Action Painting is a method that uses the similarity between artistic creation and management as a foundation. Highly enjoyable and dynamic workshops enable participants to understand and embrace a management style that favours rapid adaptability to change.

By using proven techniques the approach engages the right brain and allows managers to find a deeper sense of their place within the whole organisation. Increased creativity stimulates increased productivity and better synergy between teams leads to greater efficiency.

A typical workshop involves 20 to 40 participants assisted by artists/facilitators. Larger and smaller groups can be catered for.

Sessions last between two and four hours to create individual pieces which are then combined into larger works in 4 stages:

See Action Painting...in action